hot bliggity blog 267

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

daylight savings 2012

The past two mornings have been tough with a capital 'T'.  Daylight savings is rough with a capital 'R'.  For me, it's not the physical aspect of 'losing' an hour of sleep but a psychological block.  I have enough trouble getting up early when the sun is up let alone when it's not.  Haven't you ever heard the phrase, 'I'll sleep 'till the sun comes up?!'  Ok, I'm not sure if the phrase is that well known but it seems like something someone important should have said somewhere along the way.  I know!  As soon as I'm done here I will hop on over to Photoshop and create an image with the quote and my name [I am important to some!] and Pin It to my 'quotable quotes' board.  Watch out; I'm 'bout to be famously important.

The Bottom Line is this: I.  Am.  NOT.  A.  Morning.  Person.  Daylight Savings Time doesn't save me anything.  I had to come in to work early this morning which was even WORSE!!!  What's worse than getting up before the sun is getting up before the sun and driving to work in the dark.  By the time I got to my desk I was only beginning to see hints of the sun's rays peeking above the city.

When Emily & I visited Scotland/Ireland two summers ago we had no idea what we were in for: the sun was down for only about 5 hours a day!  Even less when we were as far north as Aberdeen.  Emily is another case for the sleep doctor.  While she doesn't sleep as deep nor as 'fast' as I do she can beat me in time spent down.  Hands down.  In preparation for the trip we made a sisterly agreement that we would get up no later than 10:00 a.m. every day that we were there.  I have to admit I was a little worried.  Shaking on a deal that we would each help hold the other accountable to get up on time is like asking Satan to help keep you from temptation.  Little did we know, however, that getting up each and every morning  at a timely hour would be the least of our worries.  Making Emily go to sleep was a much bigger issue.

One morning I woke up to her standing over my head saying, 'I don't know what they have going on here but it's great!  It's 6:00 a.m. and I'm ready for the day.  Get UP!!!' all the while balancing on one foot and pulling on the second leg of her jeans.  I kid you not.  Those of you who know her are probably snickering right about now as you know as well as I do that the chance of this happening is like a 65-story log cabin structure withstanding Hurricane Katrina-like winds.  It just doesn't happen.  But alas, it is true.

The downside of living somewhere like Scotland is the opposite time of the year: it is as dark in the winter as it is light in the summer.  Perhaps I should move to the Equator?

Back to this morning I must admit I did not have a smile on my face as I emerged from my hotel at 6:57 a.m.  I also found out that applying make-up in the car is next to impossible when it is dark outside.  Fortunately I had my radio tuned to KSBJ as I almost always do in the mornings.  Jesus is the only way to start a day.  Just as I realized that I was going to have to do my make-up right then and there with the lights on the first upbeat chords of Mandisa & Tobymac's 'Good Morning' sang through the speakers.  I'm pretty sure KSBJ plays this song every single morning and I'm sure that some people get tired of it.  But it was exactly what I needed to get me going this morning.  And with that I decided that I was going to make today a good day; no exceptions.

With that I was able to find a couple of good things about today: leaving the house at 6:57 a.m. means very little traffic on the roads; I never even hit my brakes!  The man who got a flat tire on his way to work this morning at 7:09 a.m. had fewer cars and crazies to worry about as he prepared to change said tire.  I was extremely thankful for four fully pumped and wholly hole-less.

Yep, it's going to be a good day.

And then it hit me: I left my key locked up safe and sound-like in my room.
'....It's a good morning;
wake up to a brand new day...' 

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