hot bliggity blog 267

Thursday, September 23, 2010

by your side

I'm taking a brief break from summer recapping....will be back with it soon! (I have just a few more hi lights that I would like to share)


On my way to work this morning I heard By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North on the radio. I have heard this song countless times but have never really LISTENED to the words. So this morning, for whatever reason, I happened to LISTEN; isn't it amazing what we hear when we actually stop and LISTEN???

Below is a simple music video; I love this video BECAUSE of it's simplicity. It has been proven that we learn best when we are exposed to new information in two different forms. I have found a video that does just that: you can SEE and HEAR the words. I challenge you, though, to not only SEE and to not only HEAR, but to LISTEN with your eyes, ears and heart.

And I know the reason for my LISTENING this morning....God has been LISTENING to my prayers and HEARS the cry of my heart. I needed to HEAR the truths in this song and be reminded of God's constant presence BY MY SIDE.

1 comment:

  1. Hey friend! Thank you for sharing that video. It reminded me of one I really like, and you might like too... Happy Sunday to you!! :)
