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Monday, January 24, 2011

vow.2 1 Corinthians 10:13

1 Corinthians 10:13
NO temptation has overtaken me [you] except what is common to man. And You, O God, are faithful; You will not let me be tempted beyond what I am able, but with the temptation You will also provide a way out, so that I may be able to endure it.

In my home church, there was a girl whom I looked up to as a musician and artist. When she went off to college, she and a friend formed a singing/composing duo; their harmonies were so distinct and beautiful. I distinctly remember the night that they held a concert at our church. I was probably 13 years old and remember thinking 'If I could only want to practice my piano lessons as much as Amy does (we had the same precious teacher), I could be like her when I grow up!'

One of my most favorite songs from that night was a song in which the chorus was this verse. I have found myself many, many times throughout the years humming the chorus of that beautiful song. This is one of the many reasons that I LOVE music: putting a melody to a verse helps you to easily remember scripture. Even though I haven't actually heard that song in years, I have had that verse memorized since that night I sat on the edge of the pew as an awkward preteen, wanting to be just like the girls on stage. Sure I might have to sing it to you, but I can quote you that verse! Ha!

I once heard Shane Everett (of Shane & Shane) say this about their lyrics: 'We get all of our inspiration and good stuff from the Bible; the beauty of the Bible is you can take from it all of these great verses and never get in trouble for plagiarizing' How true! I just love that. God wants us to learn, meditate and share His Word; He basically asks us to plagiarize. Ha!

As I have been reading the Bible from cover to cover, I have been amazed at the number of verses of scripture that I knew as songs. I seriously had no idea how many praise and worship songs that I have grown up singing were taken straight from the Bible and put to melodies. Many times I found myself reading along and all the sudden ending a verse in song!

Bottom line: learning scripture to choruses is a simple, effective and beautiful way to memorize scripture :)

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